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Category: Hike Reports
Hits: 2834

Three score and four, maybe more, TrailBlazers headed to Devil’s Den once again for our 15th Kickoff Picnic to start our new hiking season. We were pleased to see a large number of newcomers as well as our regulars.  It was a beautiful day but warm and muggy for those of us who hiked.


Following tradition, we did three different hikes.  Some chose to hike along Lee Creek to the swinging bridge and back to the pavilion.  Another group hiked the Devil’s Den trail and breaking with tradition, we walked straight ahead until we realized that we had forgotten to make the left turn up toward the Devil’s Den Cave.  This was promptly remedied!  What can we say – when you have good company and conversation you can lose yourself!  When we reached the Ice Box we were ready for some cool air.  The waterfalls on the ledge as well as the waterfall behind the wooden bridge were non-existent due to the very dry conditions.  When we reached dry Lee Creek the rock cairns were once again in place.  Last year they had been knocked down but ambitious rock hounds had rebuilt the rock towers.


Our most ambitious group started out on the Devil’s Den Trail and then detoured to the crevices where sure-footed hikers can scramble up and down and explore this unique geological part of the park.  Buffalo Bob led the charge and drummed up a group to follow him!


Once we returned to the pavilion our “boys” cooked hot dogs on the grill and all the food was laid out on the tables.  As usual people brought chips and dips, munchies, fruit, salads, baked beans, vegetable trays, and all manner of desserts to please the palate.  Of course, we all ate too much and nobody did enough hiking to burn off the calories!  We do this on purpose to encourage everyone to continue hiking with us to keep in shape!


 Next week we will hike the Lake Alma Trail and invite everyone to sign up on the web site to hike with us.


Pictures are below.  Click on any pic to enlarge and then click on the arrow to the right to create a slide show.
