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Category: Hike Reports
Hits: 3320

Eight TrailBlazers met at Cove Lake to hike the loop around the lake.  Before we even got started, we were met by the gentleman who was the concessionaire. He let us know that it would cost $5 a car to park where we usually park, so we drove back across the dam and used the smaller lot for free.  This is something we need to remember for the future.



Starting off in a clockwise manner we took the path off the main trail to climb the hill to the lookout, and guess who lost the trail?  Yours truly.  So we ended up scrambling up the last bit. Tom was the true trailblazer in that effort.  On the way down we were joined by Eva, so now we are nine.  The weather was lovely and quite warm and the lake was glassy. The rest of the loop was uneventful, but it was noticeable that there had been maintenance done on the bridges.   We lunched in the camping area. Peggy's fit bit said we hiked over 5 miles.

Weather permitting, we will hike at Chaffee Crossing tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 pm. 
