

JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: [ROOT]/images/PhotoGallery/2015-10-17-Mt-Nebo


There was a problem rendering your image gallery. Please make sure that the folder you are using in the Simple Image Gallery Pro plugin tags exists and contains valid image files. The plugin could not locate the folder: images/PhotoGallery/2015-10-17-Mt-Nebo
Category: Hike Reports
Hits: 2799

Twenty-two (one score plus 2!) TrailBlazers and 2 canines under the command of Nebo Dude made the scenic drive to Mt.Nebo to hike the Rim Trail on an overcast and breezy morning. In addition to our oldies but goodies, some of our new faces came back for more today, so we managed not to scare them off last week. We’ll have to try harder for Halloween!  {gallery}2015-10-17-Mt-Nebo{/gallery}

Meeting up at the campground parking lot, we were met by some cool breezes as we headed south on the trail where we were treated to several lovely views. This part of the trail has several rocky steps to navigate that involve a lot of foot watching and placement. Yours Truly used to think this trail was pretty easy, but either rock erosion of the steps or degeneration of her knobby knees leads her to believe that it is harder than it used to be – surely not! As we rounded Sunrise Point there was less wind and the trail was not so rocky as we were treated to more great views. As we continued on around the rim, we saw Spring Mountain to the left and the foundation for an old building from the 1930s that was never built. We continued on to Sunset Point where we enjoyed lunch with a view before continuing on to the Visitors Center and finally returning to the parking lot to come full circle. People there were busy decorating for a wedding with a view.

Afterwards Nebo Dude graciously invited us to his cute cottage on the mountain to have root beer floats – great guide and host. Thank you, Gene!