Eleven Trailblazers braved the cold to hike the Lost Bridge Loop at Beaver Lake. Although it was a beautiful winter day, there was only one other car in the parking lot and we never saw another person on the trail.
With a brisk pace and once out of the wind, we warmed up pretty quick. Lunch was in the sunshine at the old homestead. Lots of downed trees were all around the homestead that we didn't remember seeing before. The little pond near the homestead was mostly frozen over. After climbing up the steep hill to the road, we opted to finish the hike on Marina Rd. since it was all downhill. It only cut off about a half mile of the hike. We still didn't find the lost bridge so we will have to go back again and continue to search.
Next hike is White Rock Rim Trail on Dec. 17, 2017. Sign up on this site if you plan to go.
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