Category: Hike Reports
Hits: 93

Fifteen hikers started Buckeye Mt/Caney Creek with substitute leader Linda but we had one hiker return to the cars. It was a beautiful day for this hike and I even ended up with a sunburned neck (yes I am a redneck). After doing this hike several times starting at Caney Creek to Buckeye Mtn., we did it in reverse and started at Buckeye Mtn. This was by far the best direction to do this hike. The views from Buckeye Mtn. were superb as we crossed over the ridge and Katy Falls was running beautifully. In this wilderness area, the trails are not marked. I made one mishap picking up the trail after leaving Katy Falls which caused everyone to wade the creek and then have to go back across again. The water was very refreshing on tired feet. All along the trail through this area was widespread with wildflower greenery popping up but not all in bloom yet. The wildflowers that were blooming were lovely. People hiking this area in the next weeks will see a spectacular array of wildflowers in great abundance. As we made the hike back to Caney Creek trailhead, we were able to rock hop and not change to water shoes every time. Martha had some nifty water boots and she was a great help assisting hikers across the creek. This 9.5-mile hike and the travel time makes for a long day but being out in nature makes for a great day. Get Up Get Out –Hike Arkansas!